
The Challenge

Benefitfocus wanted to go agile, but sought a way to do it with limited outside help. The problem was that they didn’t have much internal agile experience — and they had only a limited budget.

The Solution

We “coached the coaches” with large scale on-site training, then multiplied the effect throughout the organization with infrastructure to make long term agile adoption sustainable.


  1. Agile Transformation Roadmap
    Our first step was to create an environment where executive leadership could understand the process and benefits of agile transformation. This required effective communication and a well-articulated roadmap for the organization.
  2. Onsite ScrumMaster Training
    In a series of onsite sessions, we trained a cohort of agile leaders that would form the company’s backbone of Certified ScrumMasters and Product Owners.
  3. Agile Team Curriculum
    To continue the momentum and encourage wide-spread agile adoption, we helped Benefitfocus establish a training curriculum for hundreds of team members across IT and product organizations.
  4. Agile Infrastructure
    We then continued to “coach the coaches” by implementing new coaching frameworks and agile liftoff procedures, leading to sustainable transformation at all levels.


On a limited budget, we helped Benefitfocus complete a sustainable agile transformation largely on their own initiative.

“We coached the coaches.”