Why We Built a Certified Scrum Master Practice Test
Frequently, participants in our Certified ScrumMaster courses ask us about the CSM Exam. In most cases, our answer has been, “You’ll do fine. This course will more than adequately prepare you to take the test.” However, our “don’t worry about it” answer has been increasingly less and less satisfying.
What people want is confidence that they are going to ace the official exam or identify areas where they need to improve BEFORE taking the official test. As a result, we created our own Applied Frameworks Certified Scrum Master Practice Test and are sharing it with the world.
How We Chose the Sample CSM Exam Questions
Our goal was to create a mock Certified Scrum Master test that was current with the latest Scrum Alliance learning objectives and was written by people who really know Scrum and offered a positive learning experience for anyone taking the test.
To ensure this would be a good use of your time limited time, we took time to carefully replicate the topics that were covered in the official test administered by the Scrum Alliance as well as the distribution of those topics and the number of attempts.
We hope this will be a good learning experience for you and will provide you some insights to see if you are ready to take the official Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster exam.
Note: This exam was updated in 2021 with the latest Scrum Alliance guidelines.