BMW | Connected Applications

The Challenge

BMW’s connected app engineering group was having a tough time meeting deadlines and quality requirements. The cause? Poor visibility and, by extension, accuracy in communication among stakeholders.

The Solution

We created an environment for large scale information sharing, built a totally new process for estimating feature development, and drove adoption across stakeholder groups.


  1. Information Radiator
    Understanding often comes easier in person. So we implemented “Big room planning” to consolidate information in a single physical space – and then built the processes so that all project information was available to everyone all the time.
  2. Reverse Pass Estimation
    We determined the engineering group’s actual capacity by looking closely at past sprint productivity. This allowed us to create accurate measures for velocity and better communication with management on which features would fit in plan and when.


High predictability, drastically improved quality, and high engagement all around. Full transparency between teams and management. Radically improved accuracy in pipeline estimation and task management.

“With full transparency and an accurate understanding of velocity, we were able to reach the team’s targets for productivity and quality.”