In each of our programs, you will move through 12 to 15 modules, each of which consist of an on-line pre-recorded video, usually 10 to 15 minutes in length, followed by a quiz or exercise.  The quizzes and exercises have practical, real-world application, and your responses will be reviewed, and feedback given, by one of our instructors.  All of our instructors are Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainers® (CSTs.)

In addition to the modules, you will participate in at least 4 Coaching Circles, which is how you can stay connected with your instructors and fellow learners and peers.  The Coaching Circles are online virtual meetings; you can participate via video chat or telephone.  They are one hour each.  There are at least 8 scheduled per month with a limit of 10 learners per session.  Under the Scrum Alliance requirements to obtain the certification, you must  participate in at least 4 to receive your certification, but you are welcome to participate in as many as you would like.