Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner – Express Program

Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner – Express Program


With our Express A-CSPO program, you get a comprehensive online learning program combined with personalized instructor feedback and virtual classroom sessions. You can move through the program as fast as you like, but we recommend most students plan on 1-2 months for the optimal learning experience. If you’d prefer to really space things out, our Express Program gives you up to 6 months to complete the course.

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Hands-on learning built for speed

Our Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner – Express learning program was designed by Certified Scrum Trainers® specifically for Product Owners looking to achieve a deeper understanding on Scrum and Agile at a rapid pace.  This program offers A-CSPO students fast, condensed lessons combined with on-the-job application of key concepts for immediate affect.

You decide the pace — and the order that you learn

With our A-CSPO Express Program, you can progress at whatever speed matches your learning style.  The program is comprised of 16 online courses which include short lectures, engaging exercises and useful step-by-step techniques to test out with your team.

Special format – Say goodbye to boring lectures

Most online training is boring and prone to distraction.  Too many instructors talk for far too long about topics and theories not relevant for real world application.  With our A-CSPO program, all our lectures are crisp (no more than fifteen minutes) and are combined with practical, on-the-job exercises so you can immediately put into practice what you have learned.

Be part of a community of learners — establish relationships with the instructors

Learning works best when you are in a community and the best learning experiences are shared.  Each month, you can join one or more one-hour virtual classroom sessions with your CST instructor and other students, to check progress, share ideas, answer questions, offer encouragement and give some support.  In our program, you will feel like you are doing your A-CSPO journey within a team, even though it is an online program.

We welcome everybody to start the program, however you will need to meet certain criteria to receive your A-CSPO certification:

  1. A current Certified Scrum Product Owner® certification from the Scrum Alliance®.
  2. 12 or more months of experience as a Product Owner within the last 5 years.
  3. Attend at least four instructor-led virtual classroom sessions (you are welcome to attend more of course!).
  4. Complete all the on-line modules, quizzes and assignments.
  5. Bring a positive attitude and desire to make a real impact along with your team.

This is the list of the subjects that you will cover on your path to become an A-CSPO+:

  • Mastering the Product Backlog
  • User Stories
  • Rapid Vision Generation
  • Roadmapping that Works
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Getting to Done
  • In-person Collaboration
  • On-line Collaboration
  • Facilitation
  • Inclusive Solutions
  • Product Owner Stance
  • Scaling Scrum & Agile
  • Extreme Programming

Former students to the A-CSPO program have come from different backgrounds:

  • Product Owners, Product Managers and other entrepreneurs
  • Certified ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches and other change agents
  • Certified Scrum Professionals looking to renew their certification
  • Architects, Business Analysts and Technical Managers


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