CSP – ScrumMaster (Three Payments)

CSP – ScrumMaster (Three Payments)

$499.00 / month for 3 months

Are you ready to finish your journey from ScrumMaster to Agile Coach?  Complete your journey today with a one-year membership to the Applied Frameworks Online Academy and receive your CSP-SM certification.

Note: Please allow us one business day to complete your registration. You will then receive an e-mail with your login information and may begin your program.

SKU: csp-sm-sub Category:

In addition to all the on-line goodness associated with our CSP-SM program, participants will also be able to participate in any number of instructor-led, one-hour coaching circles for the entire length of their one-year membership.  Finally, participants who go on this journey will have one-year of access to the Coteneo Collaboration Cloud and receive an additional certification (Yellow Belt).

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