Happy New Year! We hope that 2015 started great for you. To kick off what we expect to be more frequent blogging, this post describes what we believe about Agile. I’m motivated to write this for two reasons – to explicitly state our point of view and to prepare for a Certified ScrumMaster class that I’m teaching this week.

Agile is four values and twelve principles found on the Agile Manifesto home page and on the Principles behind the Agile Manifesto page. That’s it. We believe that if an organization of people works together in a way that is aligned to these values and principles that the organization is Agile. We approach all of our teaching, coaching and other consulting from this point of view.

Agile isn’t daily meetings, user stories, continuous integration, product owners or other related activities, artifacts or roles. Agile is a mindset of collaboration to create great products incrementally and iteratively, frequently adjusting based on changes in the world around us and what we learn.

A group of people could work in a way that is Agile with a model of interaction that they invent. In other words, you don’t need Scrum, Extreme Programming, SAFe, Kanban or any other framework to be Agile. However, frameworks certainly help people execute efficiently and consistently.

We created Applied Frameworks because we believe in fulfilling the needs of people and organizations to be more effective and happier in their work to produce great products that meet and exceed their customers’ needs. We believe that an Agile mindset enables us to accomplish WHY we exist.

This year we want to help you and your organization find your most effective and happiest state of execution and hope this is your best year yet. Let’s go!