Carlton Nettleton

About Carlton Nettleton

Carlton Nettleton is the SVP of Product at Applied Frameworks, and co-creator of the company's Online Academy. Carlton has over eighteen years of industry experience working with clients to improve quality, increase productivity, build great teams, and launch new products using Agile software development practices and techniques. Today, Carlton’s focus is directed at mentoring and supporting Scrum and Agile practitioners who work in less than ideal conditions. He shares his energy and enthusiasm with our learners so they can achieve their personal and professional goals. Carlton is fluent in both English and Spanish, has written a short book on Scrum and has been Certified Scrum Trainer® since 2012. Read Full Bio

Seven Types of Value Exchange

By |2020-03-26T12:46:25-04:00February 27th, 2019|Product|

If you want to design a business model that generates revenue and provide the organization with profit,  product managers and Product Owners must consider two factors.  The first is customer value, defining what is valuable to the customer with a goal of identifying an unmet need, or unresolved problem, experienced ...
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How to Host a Lean Coffee

By |2021-05-14T11:25:40-04:00January 4th, 2019|Frameworks|

In our Coaching Circles, we often use the Lean Coffee format to structure our discussions and keep the dialogue lively and engaging.  For the most part, this format works well for our Coaching Circle calls.  For those that are unfamiliar with Lean Coffee, Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting ...
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Importance of Concrete Action Items

By |2020-03-25T14:32:29-04:00August 31st, 2018|Process|

Retrospectives without concrete action items are pretty much a complete waste of time (and this coming from a guy who thinks the Retrospective is the MOST important discussion in Scrum!!).  Over-and-over again, when I encounter teams and organizations struggling to adopt Scrum and Agile, I often find lame, uninspiring Action ...
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Build Working Agreements Fast

By |2022-10-04T23:00:20-04:00February 16th, 2018|Frameworks, Process|

Working Agreements are one of the core compacts that all good Agile teams need and use. For those of you unfamiliar with Working Agreements, they are nothing more than agreed upon protocols created by the team govern their interactions and clarify expectations. They are different from Ground Rules which tend ...
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