

Defining the Agile Mindset


Ever wonder why some Agile practitioners regularly butt heads with more traditionally minded managers? Have you ever spent significant one-on-one time with a Product Owner (or a Team member or a Stakeholder) to answer all their questions about why and how Scrum works and they still just do not "get it?"  Have...
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Updates to the Agile Manifesto


While the ideas written in the Agile Manifesto  have been inspiring and durable, the actual uptake and introduction of these new ways of working within teams and organizations has not been long-lasting.  It seems like what was radical and groundbreaking in February 2001 now feels commonplace, trite or even old...
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Agile Coach: Champion, Catalyst, Capacitor, Coach


Champion: A person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else. Catalyst: A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. Capacitor: A device used to store an electric charge. Coach: A tutor who gives private or specialized teaching. In our first article, we...
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