

What Is the Purpose of a Sprint Backlog?


I came across this question\comment on the LinkedIn ScrumMasters group the other day asking about Burndown Charts and management analysis. "I send out Burndown Charts daily and have been questioned by upper managent as to why we see fluctuations, up or down to the ideal trend line." For those that are...
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Customer Interviews: Analyzing the Data


She analyzes synergies, or synergizes analogies... or some such thing.—Edward Norton (as "Father Brian Finn"), Keeping the Faith. Alas, most of us have fairly rudimentary tools. Try to get some help from someone with data mining experience but let’s see what we can do without assistance. Nobody knows the data...
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Customer Interviews: Getting Ready


Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.—Winston Churchill, British prime minister Every marketing person will tell you that customer interviews provide deep insights on the product, its promotion, your sales team effectiveness, and your company strategy. What they often fail to do is...
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