Congratulations on your completion of the Certified ScrumMaster course!  This page provides some of the resources discussed in class for your ongoing use on your Scrum journey.

ScrumMaster resources

Development Team resources

  • I constantly field questions about responsibility, team conflict resolution and what to do when things go wrong.  Christopher Avery’s book on teamwork provides thoughtful guidance with exercises you can do and exercises for whole teams.  I highly recommend it (and just about anything from Christopher).
  • I highly recommend the 2nd Edition of Liftoff to start or relaunch teams successfully.  Invaluable reference.
  • In a recent class, we talked about cross-team dependencies preventing progress for one team waiting on another team.  See how Spotify solves this problem and others.
  • See Google’s research to understand team effectiveness!
  • The course workbook includes a few ideas from the Core Protocols contained in Software for Your Head. Check it out here. You can download the whole book for free.

Product Owner resources

Sprint Planning resources

  • If you absolutely need to play Planning Poker with remote team members.
  • For a review of the Innovation Game 20/20 Vision.

Daily Scrum resources

Retrospective resources

Definition of Done resources

  • Additional information about the Definition of Done and a sample.
  • Here is another article about Definition of Done.