Daily Scrum

Fix Your Broken Daily Scrum

By |2020-03-26T12:55:57-04:00July 22nd, 2014|Process|

Why Tools Drive Daily Scrums into the Mud I have observed a disturbing pattern in many Daily Scrums driven by an intense focus away from the three questions and to various Agile tools. I see people checking out of the interaction, I don't hear all voices, I don't feel any ...
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Scrum Teams Working from Home

By |2020-03-25T14:37:59-04:00February 26th, 2013|Process|

Today, I read that new CEO of Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer, has decided to curtail the number of employees who work remotely beginning in June.  You can read the story here and some interesting commentary from NPR's blog, All Tech Considered.  I excerpted  this part from the memo which I think ...
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