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Bill of Rights for the Scrum Roles

By |2020-03-25T14:38:32-04:00January 24th, 2011|Process|

One of the things I admired about Extreme Programming (XP) was the simplicity of the roles defined in the Green Book.  In XP, there are only two roles: Customer and Programmer.  When you are using XP, the Customer makes business decisions, Programmers make technical decisions and one role may not substitute ...
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Scrum Roles Defined

By |2020-03-26T12:51:32-04:00January 21st, 2011|Process|

I do a lot of work with Scrum Teams and the ones that struggle the most are the ones where the Scrum roles are defined poorly and\or not filled properly.  Scrum is a balanced framework and when the roles get muddled, the framework begins to adopt the dysfunctions of the ...
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