user stories

[DELETE] User Story

By |2022-01-19T21:28:21-05:00March 14th, 2013|Process, Product|

I have written on user stories before, so please understand that I love user stories.  When used thoughtfully, I feel user stories can be a very powerful way to create a collaborative dynamic between the business and product developers.  User stories have the innate ability to rebalance the conversation between technical ...
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User stories vs user goals

By |2020-03-25T14:37:59-04:00February 27th, 2013|Process, Product|

 The problem: Agile developers want user stories; product managers want to bring back stories from the market about users. What we REALLY need is to understand user goals. Is there a difference? Let’s see. User stories are one of the most misunderstood and misapplied artifacts of Agile development. As often happens ...
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Writing Good User Stories

By |2020-03-25T14:38:00-04:00February 7th, 2011|Process|

User stories are tool that originated from Extreme Programming and have become the de facto way Agile teams document and collect their requirements.  There is a lot written on user stories (link, link, link), so I am just going to talk about what I consider important in writing good stories since I ...
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