Carlton Nettleton

About Carlton Nettleton

Carlton Nettleton is the SVP of Product at Applied Frameworks, and co-creator of the company's Online Academy. Carlton has over eighteen years of industry experience working with clients to improve quality, increase productivity, build great teams, and launch new products using Agile software development practices and techniques. Today, Carlton’s focus is directed at mentoring and supporting Scrum and Agile practitioners who work in less than ideal conditions. He shares his energy and enthusiasm with our learners so they can achieve their personal and professional goals. Carlton is fluent in both English and Spanish, has written a short book on Scrum and has been Certified Scrum Trainer® since 2012. Read Full Bio

Accelerated Learning Fundamentals

By |2020-03-25T14:33:06-04:00December 5th, 2016|Frameworks, Process|

Accelerated Learning (AL) is a training approach that focuses on whole learner experience to maximize the learner's retention and application of what they have gathered during a training event.  For people who are familiar with Training From the Back of the Room (TFBR), AL forms the foundation of TFBR since it creates the community space where the ...
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Scrum Summary in Five Sentences

By |2022-01-19T21:41:33-05:00July 11th, 2016|Process|

Alistair Cockburn has been sharing this distillation of Scrum in a recent talk called "Returning to the Heart of Agile".  I really like the simplicity of this description since it recalls that Scrum is a simple framework. Deliver (or demo) each Sprint, with a preference for delivery. Management creates the ...
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How to Run a Coding Dojo

By |2022-07-20T20:42:02-04:00June 9th, 2016|Frameworks, Product|

At Agile Portugal, I heard Emily Bache (@emilybache) give an inspiring keynote address on the importance of coding dojos to advance the art of programmers and testers.  Emily, much like myself, is a strong proponent of test-driven development (TDD), but recognizes that while TDD is easy to explain, it is very hard ...
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