About Joel Bancroft-Connors

Joel Bancroft-Connors is a Principal Consultant at Applied Frameworks. His passion is to unlock and maximize the inner potential of others. He believes his roots in customer service, and its singular focus on serving the customer is where his enthusiasm for Agile comes from. In the classroom, Joel combines his passion to unlock the potential of others with decades of theater and game design experience to create engaging workshops for the participants. By leveraging his unique background, Joel can explain Scrum and Agile concepts in a way that ensures learners can immediately apply them to their professional lives. When he is not teaching, he spends time with his family in the Pacific Northwest. Read Full Bio

Webinar: Agile Metrics

By |2023-07-03T11:53:27-04:00May 11th, 2023|Frameworks, Process, Webinars|

When looking at the transparency of Agile and the granularity of team-based metrics, it is extremely important to be responsible in how you use your measurements. On May 31 at 12 pm ET, Applied Frameworks Joel Bancroft-Connors and Laura Caldie will join to discuss the five principals they use when dealing with Agile Metrics

Webinar: How Understanding Profit Streams Can Get a Team More Engaged

By |2023-04-28T10:55:02-04:00March 15th, 2023|Frameworks, Process, Webinars|

Principle 8 of the Agile Manifesto speaks of Sustainable development. Sustainability starts with a strong purpose. While Dan Pink’s Autonomy and Mastery are built into Scrum, purpose is often lacking for the team. We need a way to connect the leadership vision to the team's work. To create team purpose.  Recorded live on April 27 2023 Joel Bancroft-Connors and Kim Poremski will show in this webinar how practicing better profit sustainability will connect the work of the team to the larger vision of the company, and get your employees motivated again.

Webinar: Agile Metrics – What Actually Matters?

By |2023-03-24T09:02:41-04:00October 27th, 2022|Frameworks, Process, Webinars|

There is no silver bullet for measuring Agile performance.   If you only count one metric, it is easy to get tunnel vision.  Be it the team focusing on just making the metric better (often through gaming the system) or management using the single metric to drive all decisions, you can end up with a product or organization that looks good while it is really driving off a cliff.

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