Measuring Agile Performance

There is no silver bullet for measuring Agile performance.   If you only count one metric, it is easy to get tunnel vision.  Be it the team focusing on just making the metric better (often through gaming the system) or management using the single metric to drive all decisions, you can end up with a product or organization that looks good while it is really driving off a cliff.

On the other hand, more is not always better.  If you are using ten metrics it is more likely that different parts of the organization will focus on different metrics which can drive a wedge into the efforts to align with the organization.

So when it comes to metrics what actually matters and where do you start?  View Joel Bancroft-Connors’ recent 1-hour interactive webinar where he will explores 3 lagging and one leading measure that support one another and can help the team align around performance metrics that will benefit the entire organization.

Did you miss the live session?  View the recording (below) and check out the presentation.

Interested in Learning More?  Here are some additional agile metric resources to explore.

Applied Frameworks Metrics Articles: 

Related Webinars: 

Related Articles: 

Are you interested in learning more? Please contact us to learn more about how our consultants can help your organization align around profit.

–> Schedule a meeting with the webinar host, Laura Caldie.