

Webinar: Agile Metrics – What Actually Matters?

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There is no silver bullet for measuring Agile performance.   If you only count one metric, it is easy to get tunnel vision.  Be it the team focusing on just making the metric better (often through gaming the system) or management using the single metric to drive all decisions, you can end up with a product or organization that looks good while it is really driving off a cliff.

Why Do Product Managers Fail to Increase Profit?

Frameworks, Process, Product, Profit|

Are you a product manager and wondering "How can I increase profit?" Well first. It's important to ask, "What is profit?" It's the net income that results from revenue minus expenses such as salaries, product costs, and sales and marketing. It fuels sustainable business. So, why do product managers fail to maximize or increase profit?  One of the root causes is that product managers often fail to recognize and leverage the unique characteristics of software. To help you increase profit, I’m going to share 10 ways software differs from other kinds of offerings, notably physical goods. Understanding these differences is fundamental to creating pricing and licensing strategies that maximize profit.

A Definition of Ready for PI Planning

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Define your definition of ready for PI Planning by asking the right questions. At a high level, the Definition of Ready is criteria that an Agile Team or a SAFe® Agile Release Train (ART) can use to know they are prepared to start planning, working, deploying or releasing. It’s an agreement among all parties involved. It illuminates misalignment around priorities, confusion, wasted time and incomplete commitments.

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