
Agile Webinars2020-04-03T14:31:28-04:00

Webinar: Agile Metrics – What Actually Matters?

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There is no silver bullet for measuring Agile performance.   If you only count one metric, it is easy to get tunnel vision.  Be it the team focusing on just making the metric better (often through gaming the system) or management using the single metric to drive all decisions, you can end up with a product or organization that looks good while it is really driving off a cliff.

Webinar: SPC Journey – I’m an SPC and a Consultant

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As an SPC, you might see yourself as a trainer, a coach, a mentor, or a facilitator. However, the “C” in “SPC” stands for “Consultant.” Join SPCT Phil Gardiner and SPC Michael Robertson for the next episode in the “SPC Journey” series as we discuss consulting skills and how they benefit an enterprise or agency seeking to achieve greater business agility.

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